lundi 16 mai 2011

A Spanish company specialized in plastic injection itself in the free zone of Tangier

Spanish society "Proinsur", specializing in plastic injection moldingfor automotive equipment, has opened a factory in the free zone ofTangier, do we learn on Monday with the Plastic Technology Centre of Andalusia (Andaltec).

The opening of this plant in the UK for $ 2 million is part of the action plan of the Spanish company to expand into foreign markets, said Andaltec in a statement, adding that the goal is toforge partnerships with companies operating in Morocco in theautomotive sector.

Spread over an area of ​​2,500 m2, the unit of "Proinsur" Tangier isequipped with the most modern facilities and fully equipped to ensure the proper functioning and development of plant operations,said the source.

The installation of this plant in Morocco, in a context marked by the international economic crisis, aims to strengthen the company's presence abroad, "said the manager" Proinsur "Manuel Cazorla.

For its part, the manager of Andaltec, Jose Maria Navarro, saidthat the opening of a factory "Prosinsur"in the city of Detroit is an"important step" towards the development and diversification ofthe firm Spanish, a reference in the field of thermoplastic injectionand industrial production, "he said.

Founded in 1993, "Proinsur" has a platform in Jaén (southernSpain) which spans an area of ​​10,000 m2.


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