samedi 5 février 2011

MOROCCO / Grain: good returns expected if spring rains are waiting for you

For most farmers, the current season began auspiciously. Despite a period without rain, crops well and the fields are generally satisfactory in a vegetative state. In addition, recent rains have given new life to the most sensitive fields (low retention) and confirmed the areas in heavy soils. Accordingly, the work season in full swing and farmers end up operations have not yet completed. Unlike places like Gharb where the establishment of cultures was pooled, the seedlings were spread over time in other regions as Chaouia and Rhamna. Thus, the earliest sown before the rains began in late November and are currently in bolting. The later, for their part, were made until mid-December and are at tillering. Several reasons have contributed to sprawl, including the late preparation of the soil and lack of seeds. Indeed, in many regions, particularly Settat, farmers are used to not begin work until after the first rainfall due to ground too hard and low mechanization. Chemical weed control, operation neglected Another reason for the delay is partly the lack of seed. Indeed, following several years of subsidies encouraging demand this year has exceeded expectations and the available 1 million quintals was unable to meet farmers in many regions, which led the National League for marketing seeds (Sonacos) to source good to plant in the grain. In areas accustomed to weeding cereal, work has already been done in the early planting, and are nearing completion in late sowings. Elsewhere, in the largest share of the 5 million hectares planted, this operation is not performed in spite of the damage that can seriously reduce yield. Knowing that the wheat (hard and soft) represent almost two thirds of the area planted annually, it should be noted that only 20% of them (the barley are not weeded) are treated annually against broadleaf weeds and 2.5% cons grasses. The brakes are essentially a lack of structure likely to convince farmers of the value of this transaction, as well as sub-material processing equipment, the low use of improved seeds and the use of 75 to 80% common areas for the seeds containing weed seeds (weeds). The price of ammonium nitrate increased 15% in some regions Small farmers do not have the necessary resources may resort to renting, but most often the work does not meet standards, the operation requiring highly technical and quality being sacrificed for speed. As for fertilization of coverage, it is complete for regions and earliest plots is underway for others. Generally, it is recommended to perform before weeding to prevent weed competition. It should be noted that cereal production requires two types of inputs to ensure proper performance. This is a substantive part fertilizers made before or with the semi and calculated according to expected returns in the absence of soil analysis. On the other hand, there are nitrogen fertilizers coverage directly proportional to precipitation and performance expectations. Most farmers in favorable areas bour are accustomed to these inputs and rush to ammonium nitrate (33.5% nitrogen) in the early winter rainfall. Strong demand and grouped causes a price spike that occurs annually during the same period. Thus, the price per quintal has risen from 300 to 320 then to 350 DH by region, without any justification. Farmers are sometimes forced to reduce by half the quantities supplied, which is reflected in the performance by a decrease of 5 to 10 quintals per hectare, a net loss of 1 300 to 2 600 DH / ha. This under-utilization of fertilizers negatively impact the national grain yield and grain protein content (important for millers and manufacture of bread or pasta). Still, one can say that the campaign is going positively and it promises good returns.

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