lundi 27 décembre 2010

Morocco Business News

In a world context in full economic growth which lives under the law of the globalization of economy and international competitiveness, investment, be it national or foreign, is an essential action to face the requirements of the economic takeoff. In this context, Morocco has resolutely engaged, following the example of other emergent countries, in a policy which seeks to make foreign investment a strategic support of economic and social growth. Indeed, the authorities have strived to improve the attractiveness of the Kingdom through economic, institutional, legislative and statutory measures which are illustrated by:

- The adoption of an attractive tax framework relating to investment with, particularly, the coming into force of the provisions of the charter of investment.
In addition to the adoption of a conventional system allowing important investors to sign investment conventions or contracts with the state in order to profit from particular advantages;

- An overhaul of the institutional investment environment, based on a better decentralized distribution of tasks and roles: on the one hand, Regional Investment Centers (RICs) in order to assist and support investors in the sixteen regions of the Kingdom; On the other hand, at the national level, the Committee of Investments instituted in October 1998, under the presidency of the Prime Minister.

Morocco has also carried out several structural reforms during the last years which resulted in the stability of its macro-economic framework, the consolidation of the opening of its economy to the international environment and the signature of several association and free trade agreements.

Five arguments plead for investing in Morocco:
1. - A great political and institutional stability based on a continuous process of democratization;
2. – An institutional support and attractive legal framework;
3. - A policy of structural reforms and liberalization of the economy;
4. - An educated population benefiting from a very satisfactory technical training;
5. - Geographical proximity to Europe.

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